teaching online

Nina enjoys teaching online as well as in person.

To book Nina to teach or perform at your event, click on the contact information in the menu.

A partial listing of workshops available (See Contact page for more):

  1. Finger-picking and the softer side of dulcimer

  2. Arranging: Variation is the Spice of Life

  3. Chords and What They Do For Us

  4. Folk Hymns From America's Past

  5. Music of Turlough O'Carolan

  6. Shaker Music

  7. How to Play Well with Others

  8. Playing with Ease























































































































































QuaranTUNES Winter Festival (virtual). February 1 - 4, 2024. Instructor and performer. https://www.virtualdulcimerfest.com/

Mountain Dulcimer Music Fest. March 1 - 3, 2024. Instructor and performer. https://www.dulcimerassociationofalbany.com/2024.htm

Concert: opening set for El McMeen, guitarist. Hamilton Union Presbyterian Church. Guilderland, NY. April 14.

Poconos Dulcimer Festival. April 26 – 27. Instructor and Performer. https://www.poconodulcimer.club/pocono-dulcimer-festival

Classes in Mountain Dulcimer (Intermediate) for Old Songs, Voorheesville, NY. April – May, 2024. Instructor. https://oldsongs.org/classes/

QuaranTUNES Summer Festival (virtual).May 30 – June 2, 2024. Instructor and performer. https://www.virtualdulcimerfest.com/

Dulcimer Crossing: Online Workshop. “My Favorite Practice Tips”. August 1, 2024. https://owlmountainmusic.com/

New England Dulcimer Days (1st annual). August 9 – 11, 2024. Instructor and performer. https://www.nedulcimerdays.com/

Redwood Dulcimer Day (online). August 17, 2023. Instructor and performer. https://www.redwooddulcimerday.org/

QuaranTUNES Fall Festival (virtual). October 3 - 6 , 2024. Instructor and performer. https://www.virtualdulcimerfest.com/

Northern Georgia Foothills Dulcimer Association Fall Festival (“Unicoi”), online. November 16, 17, & 18th. Instructor and performer. https://www.ngfda.com/register-for-2023-fall-festival


Quarantunes 9.0 (virtual dulcimer festival, online). February 2 - 5, 2023. Instructor and performer. https://www.virtualdulcimerfest.com/

Mountain Dulcimer Music Fest (in person) . March 3 - 5, 2023. Instructor and performer. https://www.dulcimerassociationofalbany.com/2023.htm

Classes in Mountain Dulcimer (Beginner and Intermediate) for Old Songs, Voorheesville, NY. March- April 2023. For information, see https://oldsongs.org/classes/

Quarantunes 11 (virtual dulcimer festival, online).September 28 – October 1, 2023. Instructor and performer. https://www.virtualdulcimerfest.com/

Mountain Dulcimer Day (Southern California Dulcimer Heritage). Online. Saturday, October 21, 2023. Instructor and performer. https://scdh.org//SCDH/Mtn.Dul.Focus_Class.html

20th Annual Nutmeg Dulcimer Festival. October 27-28, 2023. Milford, Connecticut. Workshop leader. https://www.nutmegdulcimer.com/

Northern Georgia Foothills Dulcimer Association Fall Festival (“Unicoi”), online. November 16, 17, & 18th. Instructor and performer. https://www.ngfda.com/register-for-2023-fall-festival


Quarantunes VI (virtual dulcimer festival, online). February 3 – 6, 2022. Instructor and performer. https://www.virtualdulcimerfest.com/

Mountain Dulcimer Music Fest (in person) . March 4 - 6, 2022. Instructor and performer. https://www.dulcimerassociationofalbany.com/2022.htm

Menucha dulcimer festival (online). April 18 – 20, 2022. Instructor and performer (my classes and concert will be Monday April 18). https://menucha.org/programs/dulcimer-festival

Cancelled, Pocono Virtual Dulcimer Fest (in person). April 22 – 23, 2022. Instructor and performer. https://www.poconodulcimer.club/pocono-dulcimer-festival

Quarantunes VII (virtual dulcimer festival, online). June 2 - 5, 2022. Instructor and performer. https://www.virtualdulcimerfest.com/

August Dulcimer Daze (in person). August 12 – 14, 2022. Instructor and performer. https://www.augustdulcimerdaze.com/

Quarantunes VIII (virtual dulcimer festival, online). October 6 - 9, 2022. Instructor and performer. https://www.virtualdulcimerfest.com/

Northern Georgia Foothills Dulcimer Association Fall Festival (“Unicoi”), online November 18th-20th 2021. Instructor and performer. Information will appear at: https://www.ngfda.com/register-for-2022-fall-festival


Quarantunes III (virtual dulcimer fest). February 4 – 7, 2021. Instructor and performer. https://www.virtualdulcimerfest.com/workshops

Sisters in Song (benefit concert, online). https://www.dpnews.com/women-in-song-a-fundraiser-for-wendy-songe

Mountain Dulcimer Music Fest (online). March 5 – 7, 2021. Instructor and performer. https://www.mountaindulcimermusicfest.com/

Pocono Virtual Dulcimer Fest (online). April 22 – 25, 2021. Instructor and performer. https://www.poconodulcimerclub.org/pocono_dulcimer_fest.html

Quarantunes IV (virtual dulcimer festival). June 3 – 6, 2021. Instructor and performer.

Dulcimer U at Home: Fingerstyle Dulcimer, First Steps and Beyond. June 7, 9 and 11 at 7 pm EST. (Three 90-minute sessions) https://www.wcu.edu/engage/professional-enrichment/conferences-and-community-classes/dulcimer-u/index.aspx

18th Annual Nutmeg Dulcimer Festival. October 1 - 3, online. Workshop leader. https://www.nutmegdulcimer.com/

Northern Georgia Foothills Dulcimer Association Fall Festival (“Unicoi”), online November 18th-20th 2021. Instructor and performer. Information will appear at: http://www.ngfda.com/#ngfda

Quarantunes V (virtual dulcimer festival). October 7 - 10, 2021. Instructor and performer.


Please note changes in purple due to the coronavirus cancellations.

Mountain Dulcimer Music Fest. Latham (Albany), NY. March 6 - 8. Workshop leader.

Cancelled. Kingdom Mountain Dulcimer Annual Mini-Fest, St. Johnsbury, VT, April 18. Instructor.

Cancelled. Pocono Dulcimer Festival, East Stroudsburg, PA, April 24 - 25. Workshop leader. http://www.poconodulcimerclub.org/pocono_dulcimer_fest.html

Cancelled. Dulcimer U, Western Carolina University, Cullowee, NC, July 26 - 31. Instructor. https://www.wcu.edu/engage/professional-enrichment/conferences-and-community-classes/dulcimer-u/dulcimer-u-summer-week/index.aspx

Online workshop “Chords and What They do for US”. July 16, 2020. Invited guest instructor for Dulcimer Crossing (https://dulcimercrossing.com/) special online series of Music Theory classes for “premium” members. Just in case I hadn’t mentioned it previously, I have four tutorials in Dulcimer Crossing, included with basic membership. One is on “how to” fingerpick, and can be previewed here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IjzVcimNiI

Quarantunes II (virtual dulcimer fest). August 28 – 30, 2020. Instructor and performer. https://www.virtualdulcimerfest.com/workshops

Online workshop, "Serenity," Dulcimer Lunch and learn, September 14, 2020. Instructor. https://menucha.org/programs/dulcimer-lunch-learn

Northern Georgia Foothills Dulcimer Association Fall Festival (“Unicoi”) , online November 19 – 21, 2020. Instructor and performer. Information at: http://www.ngfda.com/#ngfda



Mountain Dulcimer Music Fest. Latham (Albany), NY. March 1 - 3. Instructor.

Workshops for Portland, OR dulcimer club. May 25.; 2:00-4:30 pm, The Softer Side of the Dulcimer; 6::-8:30 pm, Mountain Dulcimer Fingerpicking. Contact: wayne@dulcimuse.com

Dutchland Dulcimer Gathering. Workshop leader.
http://www.dutchlanddulcimers.org/gathering/ July 26-27.

John C Campbell Folk School, instructor (entire week), Intermediate Mountain Dulcimer: Refining Your Playing. https://www.folkschool.org/ July 28 – August 3.

August Dulcimer Daze. West Dover, VT. August 16-18. Workshop leader. http://www.augustdulcimerdaze.com/welcome.html

Workshop and Concert for New England Dulcimaniacs, Raynham, MA. https://www.facebook.com/DULCIMERTOM/ (no website yet, but they are working on it) September 14.

Nutmeg Dulcimer Festival. October 4 - 5. Milford, CT. Workshop leader. https://www.nutmegdulcimer.com/


Poconos Dulcimer Winter Dulcimer Fest. East Stroudsburg, PA. Jan 12 & 13. Featured Performer. http://www.poconodulcimerclub.org/winter_dulcimer_fest.html

Mountain Dulcimer Music Fest. Latham (Albany), NY. March 2 - 4. Instructor.

Dutchland Dulcimer Gathering. July 13, 14. Instructor. http://www.lancasterdulcimer.com/the-dutchland-dulcimer-gathering---iv--2018.html

Nutmeg Dulcimer Festival. October 19, 20. Milford, CT. Workshop leader. https://www.nutmegdulcimer.com/


Poconos Dulcimer festival. East Stroudsburg, PA. Jan 14. Instructor. http://www.poconodulcimerclub.org/winter_dulcimer_fest.html

Central Florida Dulcimer and Autoharp Festival. Mt. Dora, FL. Feb 10-11. Instructor. Contact information:dulcirah@msn.com

Midwinter Dulcimer Festival. Shelby, NC. Feb 25. Instructor.

Mountain Dulcimer Music Fest. Latham (Albany), NY. March 3 – 5. Instructor.

Nonsuch Dulcimer club Spring Fling Weekend. Allendale, Northumberland, England. Instructor. March 17-19. http://dulcimer.org.uk/news.html

Day of workshops for RSVP group. Huntersville, AL. April 27. (Contact Nina for further information)

Kentucky Music Week. Bardstown, KY. June 25 – 30. Instructor. http://www.kentuckymusicweek.com/

August Dulcimer Daze. West Dover, VT. August 11 – 13. Instructor. http://www.augustdulcimerdaze.com/

John C. Campbell Folk School. Intermediate Dulcimer. August 20 – 26. Instructor. https://www.folkschool.org/

A Day with Nina Zanetti, Four workshops and a concert sponsored by the Dulcimer Association of Albany. September 30, 10 am - 5:30 pm, Calvary United Methodist Church, Latham, NY. Questions or registration: email daa85ny@gmail.com


Mountain Dulcimer Music Fest. Latham (Albany), NY. Instructor. March 4, 5, & 6, 2016

North Georgia Foothills Dulcimer Association Spring Dulcimer Event, High Falls State Park, Jackson, GA. Guest instructor. May 20-21, 2016. http://ngfda.org/Spring%20Thing%202016.pdf

Cranberry Dulcimer and Autoharp Gathering. Latham (Albany), NY. Instructor. July 22 – 24, 2016.

Dulcimer U Summer Week, North Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC. Instructor. July 24-29, 2016.

August Dulcimer Daze. West Dover, VT. Instructor and performer. August 19 – 21, 2016

Nutmeg Dulcimer Festival, Milford, CT
October 28-29,2016, Workshop leader, performer

Provide music at Shaker Historic Site, Albany, NY for various Craft Fairs, including most Saturdays in December.


March 6 - 8, Featured performer
Mountain Dulcimer Music Fest
Dulcimer Association of Albany
Latham, NY

June 6, Presenting three workshops and a concert
Christ Lutheran Church, 875 Sunflower Drive, DuBois, PA.
Sandy Lick Mountain Dulcimer Players.
* Workshop schedule: 10:30 a.m. – One Tune, Many Styles; 1 p.m. – Folk Hymns from America’s Past; and 2:45 p.m. – The Softer Side, with Fingerpicking. Nina will perform a one-hour concert beginning at 7 p.m.
* Fees: One workshop - $20; two workshops - $35; three workshops - $45; concert $10 (free with workshops). The concert is open to all, not just those attending the workshops.
* To pre-register, call Ginny Schott (814-371-4627) or email ginnyschott@gmail.com. Pre-registration deadline is May 30.

June 7th, 3:00 PM: Concert: An Appalachian Dulcimer Journey
First English Lutheran Church located at 104 North Gilpin Street in Punxsutawney, PA, (corner of Pine and North Gilpin Streets). Part of the 2014-2015 Concert Series sponsored by First English Lutheran Church in Punxsutawney. The concerts are free to the public though contributions will be accepted to help defray costs

June 21-26, Instructor
Kentucky Music Week
Bardstown, KY

July 19-25, Instructor
Dulcimer Celebration, John C. Campbell Folk School, Brasstown, NC

October 23 - 24, 2015, Workshop leader, performer
Nutmeg Dulcimer Festival, Milford, CT

Friday, November 27 and most Saturdays in December
Playing at the Shaker Historic Site, Albany, NY


January 17 - 18, Workshop leader
Pocono Winter Dulcimer Fest
East Stroudsburg, PA

March 7 - 9, Workshop leader
Mountain Dulcimer Music Fest
Dulcimer Association of Albany
Latham, NY

May 16 – 18, Instructor
Shenandoah University Dulcimer Weekend,
Winchester, VA

June 22 – 27, Instructor
Kentucky Music Week, Bardstown, Kentucky

July 25 - 27, Workshop leader
Cranberry Dulcimer and Autoharp Gathering
Latham, NY

August 15 – 17, Featured performer
August Dulcimer Daze, West Dover, VT

Provide music at Shaker Historic Site, Albany, NY for various Craft Fairs, including most Saturdays in December.


March 1-3, Workshop leader
Mountain Dulcimer Music Fest
Dulcimer Association of Albany
Latham, NY

April 27, Workshop leader, performer: An afternoon with Nina Zanetti
Workshop (ensemble playing): 2:00 p.m.
Miniconcert: 4:00 p.m.
Indian Creek Church of the Brethren, 821 Main St., Harleysville, PA 19438
Cost: $20 for entire afternoon; Contact - Nick Platco, 215-806-1548

May 29-June 2, Instructor and performer
Columbia River Gorge Dulcimer Festival, Menucha Retreat Center at Corbett, Oregon.

June 9 - 14,, Instructor
Kentucky Music Week, Bardstown, Kentucky

July 26-28, Featured performer
Cranberry Dulcimer and Autoharp Gathering
Latham, NY

October 4-5, 2013, Workshop leader, performer
Nutmeg Dulcimer Festival, Milford, CT

Provide music at Shaker Historic Site, Albany, NY for various Craft Fairs, including most Saturdays in December.